[Dr. Peter Hutton-Czapski maintained a much more hands-on detail installation instructions in the OSCAR Manual site.]
Server requirement: The following aren't truly requirements but are what was used during the initial development of this version.
running :
- oracle jdk1.7.0_17
- tomcat 7.0.14
- mysql 5.1.30
build :
- maven 3.0.5
Technical details
The MyOscar Server projects code is a maven2 project. To build the code you run "mvn package" and you should find a war file in the target directory.
The MyOscar Server projects war file should be a standard war file and should in theory deploy like any other war in any normal servlet container (although tomcat is the only one tested).
From a runtime point of view, the server is mostly just a set of network accessible SOAP services with a database back end, there is currently no UI built into the server although in the future a thin set of administrative pages maybe build.
Installation details
1) build the code or get a copy of the war file
2) copy/deploy the war file to tomcat as you would with any war file.
3) When starting tomcat, you can pass a system parameter of "-Dmyoscar_server_config=override.xml" where override.xml is an xml config file which overlays the default one., you will most likely want to at least set the database configuration parameters in here if not smtp parameters as well.
4) start the tomcat server
5) go to the url https://localhost:8091/myoscar_server/, follow the options to go to the install page. This page will setup the database and tables for you. The page will disable itself once the database schema exists to prevent anyone else from running it or accidents from happening. After initial install this is also the admin / monitoring url. There is an option for enabling recaptch on the admin login to mitigate automated hacks, see the recaptcha.txt file.
You will need a client program to access anything, examples include the Oscar EMR, or the MyOscar Client, you will need to remember the administrative user/password you just used in step #5.
Upgrading Installations
Always backup your database before performing an upgrade.
To upgrade the system, just deploy the new war file into tomcat, then start the server.
Upon startup if any database updates are required they are run automatically. There maybe some lines printed denoting the running of these updates they will look similar to : "start update : UpdateTo2"
Testing URL
to be redetermined, old urls no longer supported by cxf, no more browser pings
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